Saturday, December 29, 2007

About Me:

My name is saeed hussain Al katheeri. I was born in 1982. I studied at Ebn Abbas Secondary school in Musafh. After that I went to Emirates University in Al Ain, but unfortunately I didn’t complete my curse because I had a lot of problems in my life. Of course, I realized it was the wrong decision, so now I continue my studies in Abu Dhabi Men’s College and I am sponsored by Abu Dhabi Municipality in the high way department.

I like traveling to other countries and I like to have knowledge about different cultures and different language. Moreover, I speak Malay and English behind my Arabic language. Furthermore, I have a lot of interesting hobbies such as body building, swimming, reading book. Finally, I hope that who reads my blog will learn a lot of information about global warming.

Friday, December 28, 2007

What is Global Warming ?

Global warming is one of the most important issues in this day and it is a big concern for scientists and the public around the world. Unfortunately, ther are many people don’t have enough information about this crisis. Therefore, the meaning of global warming is an increase in the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere layers and ocean in recent decades and its projected continuation.

The change in air temperature rose between 0.74 + 0.18 cº during last century. Furthermore, this change happened due to two main causes. The first cause is due to human activity which made more concentration of greenhouse gas (such as carbon dioxide, ozone or water vapor) and led to warm the earth’s surface by reflecting radiation from the earth’s atmosphere. The second cause is due to natural causes such as solar variation and volcanoes.
Finally, in the project I will discuses the general causes, general effects of global warming, one cause as an example. I will explain also global warming articles related.

Monday, November 26, 2007

General Causes:

Currently every one on this planet is trying to find a solution for global warming, but before we find the solution we must know the causes (of the global warming).

There are many causes of this phenomenon, such as greenhouse gases, volcano eruptions, solaractivites and variations in the earth orbit. However, scientific believe that the main cause is human actpivity such as emission from cars, factory emissions and other. Actually, these activities produce carbon dioxide from burning of gas, oil and coal. Therefore, this carbon dioxide affects the earth when it goes to the atmosphere and concentration there. In conclusion, the climate of the earth will be warm because the present climate is not in equilibrium like before.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

One Cause:

After we have looked at the general causes of the global warming, let’s now turn our attention to one significant cause which is the greenhouse gases. First of all, they contain carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, nitrous oxide and chlorofluoro carbons and ozone. Those gases have the ability to hold and absorb the heat in the surface of the earth. Actually, it works as a mirror. To elaborate, when the heat from the sun comes to the earth, then it goes to the sky, but, unfortunately it collides with the greenhouse gases and goes back again to the earth. Also, we cannot ignore the fact that greenhouse gases are beneficial because they preventing the earth form becoming an ice planet. Finally the greenhouse gases has been increasing over the last 50 years.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

General Effects:

Now, let me mention the several effects of global warming. There are many effects of global warming on the environment and on human life. It lead to increase in the sea level, because the temperature increased gradually therefore the ice glaciers melt and that means a large part of the earth will sinking or disappear of increase the volume of the water. Another, significant effect is the global climate. This will reduce the agricultural production because the plant will not find the perfect climate to grow, so large numbers of animals and humans how depend on vegetarian food will be affected by this. In addition, the change in the temperature can help spread tropical diseases such as malaria and hepatitis.
In conclusion, the change in climate will increase the risk of flooding, lack of water through evaporation, snow pack decline and an increase in storms and hurricanes, so the global warming is a serious disaster and we must find a solution.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

One Effect:

As I mentioned before global warming has several effects on the earth and for human life. However, let me deal with one major effect of this phenomenon, which is the rising in the sea level and oceans. According to scientists has raised approximately 130 meters since 1800 year ago, when the ice melts due to the climate change because of the greenhouse gases building up on the atmosphere. In addition, if we can not stop this increasing, eventually, perhaps many parts of land will disappear, such as the Maldives, Shanghai and other parts of the earth, thus there will be more loses of human shelter, animals and food sources. Finally, what can we say is we have to do some thing or we will be crying for our planet.

Monday, October 29, 2007

UAE and Global Warming:

The awareness about the global warming in the UAE is one of the lowest rates in all over the world as some articles and researches said One of these research said that less than quarter of the population in the UAE know about the global warming which is really a horrible thing.

The government of the UAE now try it’s best to aware the people about the dangerous of the global warming and the affect’s of it in our life here in the UAE and how to reduce this issue as individuals and groups. As I think, the government chose many methods to aware the people like enforcing the laws that prohibit the dangerous materials from using in the industry, such as the new building law in Dubai which mean that all the new buildings in Dubai will be comply with the green buildings standards. Another Method is to motivate the people to protect the environment by the awards. This awards will allow the people to know the dimensions of the problem clearly and work hard to avoid the country being under the risks of the global warming.

Individual Action in UAE:

There are many things that we can do to reduce the carbon dioxide (CO2). For example, people in the UAE can use the bus instead of cars because every home in the UAE at least two cars and that means more emission of (CO2). In addition, the UAE is consider to be one of the countries which has the most sun shine all most all year, so they can use solar energy which is very clean. Furthermore, people in the UAE should use electricity in moderation. Moreover, government should increase the green areas because trees have the ability to absorb CO2 from the air. Last point, all national TV must separated awareness of global warming through some documentaries or in advertisements.

Saturday, October 27, 2007


With this project, I learned many things that I didn’t realized before. However, I learned the meaning of global warming and the causes of this phenomenon and effects on the our planet. For example, increasing in the sea level, melt the glacier, floods, separates diseases due to an increase in the temperature of the earth. Moreover, I learned how to create my blog and how I enter my articles, video, picture, etc. Of course, also I know how to search about any thing on the internet to get information. In conclusion, I understood that we are responsible for this phenomenon from our human activity. Thus, I learned how to reduce the effect of this crisis and keeping our planet in perfect condition.