Saturday, October 27, 2007


With this project, I learned many things that I didn’t realized before. However, I learned the meaning of global warming and the causes of this phenomenon and effects on the our planet. For example, increasing in the sea level, melt the glacier, floods, separates diseases due to an increase in the temperature of the earth. Moreover, I learned how to create my blog and how I enter my articles, video, picture, etc. Of course, also I know how to search about any thing on the internet to get information. In conclusion, I understood that we are responsible for this phenomenon from our human activity. Thus, I learned how to reduce the effect of this crisis and keeping our planet in perfect condition.


Abdullah Al-Jaberi said...

so... saeed what can u do idvidually to help stop global warming?

Saeed Al_Katheeri said...

I can do many things, for example i can stop use my car through use a car that work by electrical engine or i use transport.
I can also awarness people in the UAE about the effect of global warming and etc.

ahmed_alali said...

did u care about global warming before this project?

Saeed Al_Katheeri said...

No because i don't have any information about this phenomenon, but i real care from coming disaster.